Approval For Ealing Mixed-Use Retrofit & Extension 

A mixed commercial and residential scheme we designed in the London Borough of Ealing has been approved.  

Our newly approved design retrofits and extends the existing building whilst redeveloping underutilised land at the rear of the site to provide a mix of one- and two-bedroom apartments in a highly sustainable location. The reconfiguration also enables the retention and expansion of the existing pharmacy.  

Our director, Oliver Lowrie comments: “This site occupies a prominent position within the neighbourhood and therefore redevelopment presented an opportunity to enhance the area.  

“Taking inspiration from the surrounding character, including the nearby Betham Garden Estate Conservation Area, our design comprised three key principles: 

  1. Establish a corner beacon to create visual interest from multiple perspectives 

  2. Engender harmony with the street scene by ensuring massing, height and facades match the existing rhythm 

  3. Reactivate the street frontage with a renewed wraparound façade for the commercial space 

“Using a material palette of slate grey tiles, red brick and London stock brick alongside a mansard roof with characterful dormer windows, the redevelopment remains in keeping with its surroundings yet has its own identity. It’s very welcome news that our design has been given the green light and the regeneration of this urban, sustainable site can progress,” adds Oli.  


Breakfast Club Briefings: Dr Sharon Taylor OBE


Design for 102 Bed Co-Living Scheme Submitted in Lambeth